Local Search

for Real Estate Agents

On-Page SEO, Google Maps, Citations & more

BAM helps Agents Build the Perfect Local Search "Found"ation!

 Let us help you Become the "GoTo" Agent in your Farm Area!

| Featured On:

The Guardian
Local Search - Step 2 in the BAM Process
Better Agent Marketing "BAM"
Components of Google's Ranking Algorith

Local Search: On-Page SEO, Google Maps, Citations & more!

BAM, Helping Real Estate Agents Generate More Calls, Clicks and Leads!

Take Getting Found in Local Search to the NEXT LEVEL!

Become your Farm / Focus Neighborhood "GoTo" Local Authority

"Better Agent Marketing" offers a Deeper Diver Local Search Optimization, taking your GBP a Notch Up!

The "Extras" that make your "Found"ation thee Foundation in your Farm Area!

Fully Optimized On-Page SEO, Directory Submissions for over 350 Citations, Keyword Research +

Let BAM Help you become the Hyperlocal Authority in your Farm Area Neighborhood!

BAM MMT REVIEW, Anthony White Realtor, Associate Broker Ocala Florida
BAM MMT REVIEW, Brittany Dorenbush Realtor, Ocala Florida
BAM MMT REVIEW, Chris Swor Realtor, Ocala Florida

Local Search: Service Options

High Impact Local SEO Services




per page

  • Using RankMath or Yoast
  • Optimize Title Tags
  • Optimize Headings (H1, H2, H3)
  • Rich Semantic SEO
  • Internal Links, Anchor Text
  • On-Page E.A.T. Signals
  • "People Also Ask" Optimize
  • Optimize Image ALT Text
  • Optimize Schema Markup

Reference ARTICLE:





one-time fee

Known as "Citations":

Incredibly Important, Easy to Overlook for New Agents getting Online. We offer a Premium Service for submission to OVER 350 Directories.

  • Handle Submissions & Report


As a BAM/MMT Client we will provide you full access to our "LOCAL GENIUS" Training. 100% FREE Access. Plus + we will send you a D.I.Y. Guide to get on ALL of the KEY "FREE" Platforms to expand your Digital Footprint in Local Search. Examples: Yelp, Zillow, Realtor.com, Land.com +

Also:  Click the Link below for

"Must Read" Information for Agents.

Reference ARTICLE:





one-time fee

  • Research Area & Competition
  • Utilize Pyramid Process: 
  • Primary Keywords
  • Secondary Keywords
  • Longtail Keywords
  • Hyper-Focused Farm Area KW
  • Provide FULL "Shared" Report
  • Provide Implementation Plan*

Reference ARTICLE:






Premium "NEXT LEVEL" Service:

Before going down this path, schedule a FREE Consultation.

I will cover the basics, make sure you have the 3 Services above completed properly and then we can discuss a "Local Farm Area Domination" Strategy which will include this service.

For Your Information:

From ChatGPT:

Is there a difference between Google Business Profile Optimization and Google Maps Optimization?

Yes, there is a difference between Google Business Profile optimization and Google Maps optimization.

Google Business Profile optimization involves optimizing the information and content on your Google My Business (GMB) profile, which is the listing that appears on Google's search engine results page (SERP) when someone searches for your business name.

This includes optimizing the business name, address, phone number, hours of operation, website link, and other details to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date. It also involves adding photos, videos, and other content to enhance your profile and make it more attractive to potential customers.

On the other hand, Google Maps optimization involves optimizing your business's presence on Google Maps, which is a separate platform from GMB.

This includes ensuring your business appears correctly on the map, adding accurate and relevant information to your listing, and encouraging customer reviews to boost your visibility and credibility on the platform.

While there is some overlap between these two types of optimization, they are distinct in terms of their focus and goals. Both are important for local SEO and can help drive traffic and customers to your business, but they require different strategies and tactics to be effective.

NOTE:  All Online Marketing always follows a very specific path. Start with the Foundational Elements first. Crawl, Walk, Jog, Sprint. At BAM & MMT our Goal is to provide the "Right Service" for your Online Success Journey.



by the Time Block


FlexTime: 4, 8, 16 and 40 Hour Blocks

Use our FlexTime Service / Support Blocks for almost any markting service need, training, technical support and even Sales & Marketing Coaching.

FlexTime Support by MMT Media Florida

  Is FlexTime Right for Me?

For Your Information:

From BAM / MMT:

FlexTime is mainly for existing clients, but we do have a few longtime clients that simply grab a block of time per month for ALL of the things they know will surface over the course of any given month.


The Short Answer on this is NO. But if it happens for regulars, and they have a couple of oddball months where things went SUPER Smooth with NO Hiccups. We normally give them so BONUS time. 

If you ever happen to talk to our clients, we (David specifically) is very generous with his time. Be prepared, he is an "Ask and You Shall Receive Guy" , so be prepared for a little bit of  "Fire Hose Education". Best to do direct training FlexTime on Google Meet or Zoom so you can RECORD Training Sessions.

General Local Search Key Points:

A Little Extra Insight from "BAM"

1. On-Page SEO, Average Costs?

The cost of on-page SEO for one web page can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the website, the size of the website, the level of competition, and the experience and expertise of the SEO professional or agency.

Generally, the average cost of on-page SEO for one web page can range from $50 to $500 or more (our Basic is $150 per page).

However, some SEO agencies or professionals may charge more or less than this range based on the factors mentioned above.

It's important to note that on-page SEO is just one aspect of an overall SEO strategy, and other factors such as off-page optimization, keyword research, and content creation may also be needed to achieve the desired results.

2. Can I do Directory Submissions (Citations) Myself?

Of course you can. But you can use 1 Submission Company that Charges you $9.99 per submission, others that are as low as $1.00.

The challenge most agents (any local business for that matter) is that they do not know who to call, who to trust and the biggest issue... They simply don't have enough background to know what to ask for and what to expect. And you are now spending "Blind Time" versus focusing on your "High Payoff" Activities that you are an EXPERT at!

We are always very transparent with our clients. You can do ALL of this yourself. But will you get the RESULTS you are after?

If you need a NEW Air Conditioner in your home, do you do it yourself, or leave it to the experts? I will go out on a limb and guess your answer here. And speaking of limbs, please use a professional for Tree Trimming. aka Experts, Arborists, whatever.

You get our point.

3. Can we do our own Keyword Research?

Again, of course. But do you know where to start and what the outcome is?

I (David Jamison, owner of MMT) have long been a proponent of D.I.Y. That is how I got into this business.

But I have an Engineering Background, was a Corporate CAD Manager for a National Civil Engineering Firm and started writing code in college in the 80s. So the "Tech Thing" comes easy for me for whatever reason. Not the case for most people. And as a Realtor, you have so many plates to spin, focus on the things that you want to be GREAT at and let us handle the rest. You will Thank Us on the backside.

4. What is the process for starting a project with "BAM" / MMT?

You either Click the "Get Started" Button and Checkout... (you get an Onboarding Form and we Schedule a Call with You), or You can Schedule a Call with us now, we will answer and all questions you still might have and if you are ready to get started we will walk you through the rest.

5. How will I know if I am getting what I paid for and what are the deliverables?

This is a valid question. Much of what we do in the Digital Marketing space is like a "Black Hole" to our clients. But we do Project Pass-Off Sheets as part of our Project Management. And we often do Loom Videos of the "How, What, Where" stuff. And the biggest part is the RESULTS days, weeks and months later. It is pretty hard to fake this stuff. We want you to WIN so you will be a "Raving Fan" and refer other Agents to us. And "PLEASE", don't keep us as your "Secret Sauce". I know many clients want to, but there is plenty of Buyers and Sellers to go around when you are "DOING IT RIGHT".

Ready to Get Started?

Frequently asked questions:

Do I have to do ALL 9 Steps or Services at 1 time?

Short answer is NO. We do recommend doing Step 1, 2 and 3 Together if possible. Our Most Popular Service Bundle is Steps 1 through 8. (Support during the Project and Project Pass-Off is included) We always do the basic setup for Step 9 on the 8 Step. Step 9 is Lead Generation and we are strongly recommending that all agents start Google Local Service Ads to get your Profile (as a Real Estate Agent) "verified". A Back Door way to ensure you are higher in the ranking order.

Are there services that are dependent on other services?

Yes, to some extent. GBP Profiles can stand-alone. It does not make sense to do Step 3. (Hyperlocal Landing Pages) without having a Google Business Profile. And of course a CRM is always recommended, but a GBP and a Lander or Website should be done first. Some of the dependencies are simple logic, but if you need more information feel free to schedule a call, we will be happy to go over all of this with you. [ Book a Call ]


Is there a Discount if I do ALL Services at one time?

Yes, there is a Significant Discount. Click the Packages and do the math. Or Schedule a Call and we can walk through all of it for you.


Are there Software Subscriptions Required?

AgentFire has a $99 p/m subscription, add $30 to Showcase IDX if you want IDX. We always recommend IDX. It is the essence of a Professional Search Based Agent Website. And then you will have your CRM. Subscriptions vary based on your selection. ALL Subscriptions are paid directly to the associated platform. We simply have a suite of "Go To" Tools, but the platforms are paid directly. We are your Online Presence Builder, Support Channel, Trainer and Coach. You choose the level of our involvement.


Are all of the Marketing Assets mine after the project is completed?

Short answer, YES. ALL of it. As long as your Project Fees are fully paid, it is your "BABY".


How quickly will I see results?

There is NO Set Answer here. We have had clients get calls, leads and deals (closings) within a matter of days. But that is often "Luck of the Draw". We always suggest patience. As you know the saying... "Patience Pays". But we understand that this is a business transaction and you want results. Your Google Business Profile will gain traction within the first 30 days. We suggest 60 Days to 6 Months for best traction. But you do have to "Feed the Machine. It is not a Plug and Play, Set it and Forget it System. Just Remember this: Marketing is a VERB. Action is Required. If you are super anxious to get results going, we recommend starting Google Local Service Ads as soon as our Launch is complete and we (and you and friends & family) have had a chance to vet everything out with a full QA/QC. Then you are Ready to Fly. Want the Skinny on the Back Door Acceleration Plan? Schedule a Call with us and we will share some interesting tricks to get you out of the Local Search Gate Fast. [ Schedule ]


Do you offer support after the project and ongoing?

Yes, of Course. And if you want ongoing support after your project is launched we have a variety of Flex Support Plans available. Checkout our FlexTime Support Plans Here


Client Testimonials

Brittany Dorenbush Realtor Ocala Florida Coldwell Banker Ellison Realty

"Dave & BAM was referred to me by a colleague who had nothing short of excellent raving reviews.

I was convinced and now I couldn't agree more, his specialized skills and knowledge in marketing made hiring him the obvious choice for me.

Even more unusual, he is passionate about his expertise and invested in my success.."

Brittany Dorenbush Realtor

Ocala Florida

Learn More About the 9 Steps:

Complete 9 Step Article Series: (+ a Bonus on Local Leads & Fast GBP Ranking!)

Step 1:

Google Business Profiles for Agents

Read Article #1 in the 9 Article Series

Step 2:

Local Search for Agents

Read Article #2 in the 9 Article Series

Step 3:

Hyperlocal Landing Pages for Agents

Read Article #3 in the 9 Article Series

Step 4:

IDX Websites for Agents

Read Article #4 in the 9 Article Series

Step 5:

CRMs for Agents

Read Article #5 in the 9 Article Series

Step 6:

Social Media Marketing for Agents

Read Article #6 in the 9 Article Series

Step 7:

Content Marketing for Agents

Read Article #7 in the 9 Article Series

Step 8:

Email & SMS Marketing for Agents

Read Article #8 in the 9 Article Series

Step 9:

Lead Generation for Agents

Read Article #9 in the 9 Article Series


Discover the “Back Door Secret” to get your GBP Ranking Fast!


Secret Back Door to for your Google Business Profile to Rank Better... Fast

Still have Questions?

Book a Short, SIMPLE & EASY Consultation Call...
